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Articles Tagged with DUI Defense Lawyer

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Under current Arizona law, drivers with a blood-alcohol content above 0.08% can be arrested for a DUI violation. Drivers with a BAC less than 0.08% can be charged with impairment, and in Arizona, we have a 'zero tolerance' law for anyone under the age of 21. Underage drivers can be charged with a drinking violation if any trace of alcohol is found in their system. The BAC limit for commercial drivers is 0.04%. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) believes that it would benefit the public if states lowered the drinking threshold to 0.05% BAC. According to their studies, the NTSB believes that a lower threshold could save as many as 1,000 lives per year.

Some critics say that a 0.05% limit would mean that individuals would be at risk for a DUI arrest after only one glass of wine at dinner. After two glasses, the average male would be almost certain to receive a DUI charge if arrested while behind the wheel. Critics also say that the limit would unneccesarily criminalize social drinking and the American Beverage Association says that it may discourage individuals from ordering alcohol at restaurants and bars over the weekend.

Still, the NTSB argues that an average of 10,000 people die in alcohol-related crashes every year. The NTSB is petitioning the federal government to consider lowering the drinking limit in order to encourage less alcohol-consumption and keep intoxicated drivers off the street. If the BAC limit is lowered, it will undoubtedly lead to more arrests. If DUI laws are changed in the State of Arizona, individuals will need to understand how these changes will impact them and make appropriate adjustments in order to avoid DUI charges. If you need a lawyer for a DUI case in Mesa, Arizona, then you need to call The Law Offices of Trent R. Buckallew today for more information. Call (480) 630-2480 today for assistance in your case.

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If you are involved in a DUI collision which results in a fatality of another individual, there are a few different statutes that you may be charged under, depending on the severity and nature of the incident. Depending on how you are charged, you could be facing anywhere between 1 and 22 years in prison for a vehicular homicide related offense.

Under Arizona law, DUI fatalities can be charged as negligent homicide, which can result in a range of up to 8 years in prison. This type of fatality could also result in manslaughter charges, which are punishable by 7 to 21 years in prison. Finally, under extreme circumstances, a person could be charged with second degree murder, resulting in anywhere between 10-22 years in prison, if convicted.

Arizona and North Dakota are the only two states that do not have a specific vehicular homicide charge which can be applied to situations regarding DUI drivers and fatalities. If you are involved in a vehicular manslaughter-type incident, it is advisable to seek advice from an experience Mesa DUI lawyer as these are very serious allegations with exposure to significant prison time, if convicted.

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If you have been arrested by the Chandler Police Department and cited into the Chandler Municipal Court, contact a Chandler DUI Lawyer for a free evaluation of your case. The Firm handles ANY criminal or DUI charge in the Chandler Municipal Court and throughout the State of Arizona, including 1st Time DUI, Extreme DUI, Super Extreme DUI, Under 21 DUI, DUI-Drugs, and any other alcohol or drug related violations. Mr. Buckallew has a reputation for zealously defending his clients and has extensive experience from many years of practice as a DUI and criminal defense lawyer. He fights tirelessly on behalf of each individual client in order to achieve the best outcome possible in each and every case, as evidenced by the results he has achieved on behalf of his clients over the years.

The Chandler Municipal Court is located at 200 East Chicago Street, in downtown Chandler, just east of Chandler City Hall. The Court handles civil traffic and criminal misdemeanor violations, including DUI/DWI charges, city ordinance and code violations, petty offenses, probation violations, protective orders and search warrants.

How do I choose a good DUI Lawyer?

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Penalties – 1st Time Misdemeanor DUI in AZ

A first time misdemeanor DUI includes violations involving, impaired to the slightest degree, above a .08 (BAC), any drug, any drug metabolite, or vapor releasing substance (ARS 28-1381). If you have been charged with a 1st time misdemeanor DUI charge, the penalties can be significant and the consequences long lasting. The maximum jail time for a misdemeanor DUI is 6 months. The minimum jail time is 10 days (9 may be suspended upon successful completion of alcohol classes or Continuous Alcohol Monitoring Program). Financial penalties for a first time DUI are steep and can include fines, court assessments and surcharges of approximately $1500.00, plus additional costs for alcohol screening and classes, jail costs, MADD Victim Impact Panel, and interlock ignition device (approximately $800-$1,000 for 12 months). In addition to financial penalties, a 1st time DUI conviction may result in a 90-day license suspension (1 year revocation if convicted of drug related DUI). Other penalties following a DUI conviction can include, possibility of probation (up to 5 years), alcohol / drug screening and classes, community work service, possibility of SR22 insurance (increased insurance rates), and interlock ignition device requirements (for alcohol related DUI). The penalties become more harsh if a person has prior DUI's, higher BAC levels, was involved in a car accident at time of DUI, had minor children in the car at time of DUI, or were driving on a suspended driver's license at time of DUI.

When facing DUI charges and the significant consequences if convicted, it is critical to consult with an experienced attorney regarding your legal options before you make any decisions in your case. Mr. Buckallew is an experienced litigator with extensive trial experience in both DUI and criminal cases. In addition to his law degree, he also holds a Master's in Forensic Science (M.F.S.) degree, giving him unique insight and expertise in challenging the scientific evidence in your case. The Firm will vigorously advocate on your behalf, and has a proven track record in successfully resolving serious and complex criminal and DUI cases. Early involvement by the Firm is critical to ensure that your rights are protected throughout every stage of the case. A full investigation of the evidence against you will be undertaken as the first priority. Through the course of his investigation, the attorney will identify any potential legal, procedural, or factual weaknesses in the case and determine the best course of action in resolving the case under the most favorable terms possible.

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