
Criminal Charges in Scottsdale

Criminal Charges in Scottsdale

The Scottsdale City Court is located at 3700 North 75th Street, three blocks south of Indian School Road, near Scottsdale Stadium. The Court handles civil traffic and criminal misdemeanor violations, including DUI/DWI charges, city ordinance and code violations, petty offenses, probation violations, protective orders and search warrants.

Criminal and DUI case filings in the Scottsdale City Court and throughout Maricopa County have increased significantly in the past decade resulting from legislative rule changes as well as increased law enforcement programs such as the DUI Task Force. Jury trial volume has also increased over the years and in 2011, 84% of jury trials were for DUI cases as a result of increased DUI case filings and statute changes (

For additional information regarding DUI/DWI defense, please visit our DUI website.

If you have been arrested by Scottsdale Police Department and cited into the Scottsdale City Court, contact a Scottsdale Criminal Defense Lawyer for a free evaluation of your case. The Firm handles ANY criminal charge in the Scottsdale City Court and throughout the State of Arizona. Mr. Buckallew has extensive experience as a criminal defense lawyer and a reputation for zealously representing each and every client in order to achieve the best outcome possible in each case.

**This blog should be used for informational purposes only. It does not create an attorney-client relationship with any reader and should not be construed as legal advice. If you need legal advice, please contact the Firm to schedule a consultation regarding your case.

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